Just to Let You Know Im Free Every Wednesday When We Meet




Study this instance situation:

Sarah wants to phone Paul, but she tin't practice this because she doesn't know his number. She says:

If I knew his number, I would telephone him.

Sarah says: If I knew his number .... This tells united states of america that she doesn't know his number. She is imagining the state of affairs. The real situation is that she doesn't know his number.

When we imagine a state of affairs like this, we utilise if + by ( if / knew / if y'all were / if we didn't etc.). Merely the meaning is present, not past:

· In that location are many things I'd like to exercise if I had more time. (but I don't have time)

· If I didn't want to go to the party, I wouldn't go. (only I want to go)

· We wouldn't have any money if we didn't piece of work. (but we work)

· If you were in my position, what would you do?

· Information technology's a compassion he can't drive. It would be useful if he could .


Nosotros use the by in the aforementioned style afterward wish (I wish / knew /I wish you lot were etc.). We utilise wish to say that nosotros regret something, that something is non equally nosotros would similar it to be:

· I wish I knew Paul's phone number. (= I don 't know it and I regret this)

· Do yous ever wish you could fly? (you can't fly)

· Information technology rains a lot here. I wish it didn't rain and then much.

· It'south very crowded here. I wish there weren't so many people. (there are a lot of people)

· I wish I didn't take to work tomorrow, but unfortunately I exercise


If I were /if I was

Later on if and wish , you lot can use were instead of was ( if I were / I wish information technology were etc.).

If I was / I wish it was are also possible. So y'all can say:

· If I were y'all, I wouldn't buy that coat. or If I was yous, ...

· I'd go for a walk if it weren't then common cold. or ... if it wasn't so cold.

· I wish she were here. Or I wish she was here.


We practice not ordinarily use would in the if -office of the sentence or later wish :

· If I were rich, I would travel a lot. (not If I would be rich)

· Who would you enquire if yous needed help? (not if you would need)

· I wish I had something to read. (not I wish I would take)

Sometimes wish ….. would is possible: I wish yous would listen . Run across Unit 41 .

Due east

Could sometimes ways 'would be able to' and sometimes 'was/were able to':

· She could get a better job (she could get= she would be able to get)

if she could speak English. (if she could speak= if she was/were able to speak)

· I wish I could help you. (I wish I could = I wish I was able)



Put the verb into the right class.


If ____I knew ____ (I /know) his number, I would phone him.


____ I wouldn't buy _____ (I /not /buy) that coat if I were you.


______(I /help) you if I could, only I'm afraid I can't.


We don't need a motorcar at present, but nosotros would need a car if _______ (we /live) in the country.


If we had the selection, ___________ (we /live) in the country.


This soup isn't very good. ________ (it /gustation) better if it wasn't so salty.


I wouldn't listen living in England if the weather _________ (be) ameliorate.


If I were you, ______ (I /non /look). ________ (I /go) now.


You're always tired. If _______ (y'all /not /go) to bed so tardily every night, you wouldn't exist tired all the time.


I retrieve there are too many cars. If ___________ (there /non /be) so many cars, ________ (there /non /be) so much pollution.


Write a sentence with if ... for each situation.


We don't run across you very often considering you alive and then far away.

____ If you didn't live so far away, we'd meet you more ofttimes. _________________


It's a squeamish book but information technology's too expensive, so I'one thousand non going to buy it.

I_______ it if ________________so ______________


We don't get out very often - we can't beget information technology.

We ________more often _____________


I can't meet you tomorrow - I accept to work belatedly.

If ______________________________________________


It would exist overnice to accept lunch outside but information technology's raining, so we can't.

Nosotros _____________________________________________


I don't desire his advice, and that's why I'm non going to enquire for it.

If _________________________________________________


Write sentences beginning I wish ....


I don't know many people (and I'k alone).

____ I wish I knew more people ________


I don't have a computer (and I need one).

_____ I wish __________________________


Helen isn't here (and I demand to see her).



Information technology's cold (and I hate cold conditions).



I live in a large metropolis (and I don't like information technology).



I can't get to the party (and I'd like to).



I have to become up early on tomorrow {but I'd similar to slumber late).



I don't know anything about cars (and my car has just broken downwards).



I'thousand non feeling well (and it's not nice).



Write your ain sentences beginning I wish ……


(somewhere y'all'd like to exist at present - on the embankment, in New York, in bed etc.)

I wish I _______________________________________


(something you'd like to have- a motorbike, more friends, lots of money etc.)



(something yous'd like to be able to do- sing, travel more, cook etc.)



(something you 'd like to be - beautiful, stiff, younger etc.)


Reply KEY


three I'd help /I would help

iv we lived

five we'd alive /we would alive

6 Information technology would sense of taste

7 were/was

8 I wouldn't wait ... I'd go /I would go

9 y'all didn't go

10 there weren't ... there wouldn't exist


2 I'd buy it /I would buy it if it weren't/wasn't so expensive.

iii Nosotros'd become out /We would get out more than often if we could afford it.

4 If I didn't have to piece of work late, I could meet y'all tomorrow. Or ... I'd meet /I would run across ... or ... I'd exist able to meet ...

five We could take lunch outside if it weren't raining /wasn't raining.

half dozen If I wanted his advice, I'd inquire for it / I would ask for it


2 I wish I had a estimator.

three I wish Helen were/was here.

4 I wish it weren't/wasn't (so) cold.

5 I wish I didn't live in a large metropolis.

half dozen I wish I could go to the party.

7 I wish I didn't have to go up early on tomorrow.

8 I wish I knew something about cars.

9 I wish I were feeling /was feeling better.


Example answers:

1 I wish I was at home.

2 I wish I had a big garden.

3 I wish I could tell jokes.

4 I wish I was taller


Source: https://englishexercisesources.blogspot.com/2019/12/39-if-i-knew-i-wish-i-knew-english.html

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