what is the best currency to take to aruba

Currency in Aruba

Old May 20th, 2008, 12:47 PM

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Currency in Aruba

I'yard leaving for Aruba shortly, and was told by someone who was in that location years ago, that they were pretty certain they accept U.S. dollars in that location. Does anyone know if this is true?

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Old May 20th, 2008, 01:15 PM

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I've been to Aruba vii times (and it is the most wonderful identify on earth) and the whole island does accept U.S. Dollars. Some of the menus and such take the prices written in Florins (Arubas currency) but however accept dollars. You do sometimes get their currency as change though. Enjoy your trip!!!

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Old May 20th, 2008, 04:02 PM

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Thanks jumpbighead. I will bring more than greenbacks with me.

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Old May 20th, 2008, 04:09 PM

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We travel to Aruba a couple of times a year and but bring a small corporeality of cash. We utilise our credit carte du jour for nigh everything. Machine rental, groceries, restaurants, hotel beak. The only fourth dimension we utilize greenbacks is for tipping and gas for our rental and a very few pocket-size restuarants desire cash.

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Old May 30th, 2008, 06:32 PM

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I'm traveling to Aruba in Baronial. We are interested in traveling to Venezuela. I understand in that location is no ferry service. Any suggestions??

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Old May 31st, 2008, 04:34 AM

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Q - It would exist amend to post this as a new question snce not many volition see it here.

Lois - Bring a supply of dollar bills which you lot will give out similar halloween candy.

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Old Jun 2d, 2008, 04:22 PM

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Thanks for the info. I did bring those singles, and did go through them and then some..........

We enjoyed the week there, and found a couple restaurants we enjoyed. Hadicurari [sp?], which is a fairly new place, right next to the Marriott Surf Sentry, out by the water, was very expert, and very reasonable. We enjoyed sitting out on the sand at Merely Fish, and would get dorsum to both places if we return.

I couldn't get over how much the surface area has changed since my get-go visit there 12 years ago! It was a fiddling sad to see things and so congenital up, both in town and along the shoreline.

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Old Jun 26th, 2008, 12:13 PM

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I was just there myself, and I was surprised at how little demand you have for bodily Aruban Florian/Guilder for transactions. In fact, the just identify I used it was in a pay phone in the aerodrome. Every purchase I made (even at convienance -sp?- stores) was converted to US dollars. All of my CC purchases were run in US dollars- no commutation fees!!

[ane small caveat hither is that some places the clerks are Non good with conversion and tin can brusk y'all a dollar or two and getting that back may be hard. I suggest to future readers to go to Ling and Sons IGA off LG Smith and get i of their handy conversion cards to help]

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Old Jun 26th, 2008, 12:27 PM

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Old Jun 27th, 2008, 09:25 PM

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I am from Aruba and they pretty much accept credit cards almost everywhere here, only it'southward always skillful to deport some cash just in case! And United states dollars are accustomed everywhere on the island..

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Old Jul 14th, 2008, 07:39 AM

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We are now back from our visit there, and as previously stated in the above replies, there was no trouble using American dollars. Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere, merely the local stands and flea markets don't usually have credit cards, so some cash is necessary if you wish to shop there.

I was a bit disappointed to see how much more built upwards the island is now, from when nosotros last visited almost 12 years ago. We had been told, at that time, that at that place were regulations on how much edifice was to be allowed.

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Source: https://www.fodors.com/community/caribbean-islands/currency-in-aruba-365454/

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