Mamma Mia! 2 Here We Go Again Maryl Steep Dead

  • INSIDER spoke to "Mamma Mia: Here We Become Again" manager Ol Parker well-nigh the complicated "Dancing Queen" scene, which involved fourteen boats.
  • Parker said that Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgård aren't good dancers, and then they changed their choreography for the boat scene the dark before shooting.
  • Parker also confirmed why Meryl Streep'due south grapheme Donna was killed off for the sequel, and why the picture doesn't clarify how she died.
  • "Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again" is available on digital, DVD, Blu-ray, and On Demand now.

Ol Parker, the director of "Mamma Mia: Here Nosotros Go Again," made the well-nigh delightful movie of the summer that audiences and critics loved.

INSIDER spoke to Parker leading upward to this week's DVD, Blu-Ray, and On Demand release almost the circuitous "Dancing Queen" sequence that involved xiv boats, and the conclusion to kill off the main character.

"Here We Go Again" tells 2 stories from two unlike fourth dimension periods. In the present, Donna, played by Meryl Streep in the original 2008 "Mamma Mia," has passed away. Her girl Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) is running a hotel from the Greek Island where they lived together. The other story, set up xxx years before, shows how Donna (played by Lily James) met Sophie'south three "dads," ultimately leading to Donna settling in Greece, pregnant with Sophie.

Late in the film, Cher, who plays Donna'due south mother and Sophie's grandmother, shows up on the isle and sings the iconic ABBA song "Fernando" with Andy Garcia, a moment that made audiences everywhere scream with excitement.

Parker as well told INSIDER how Meryl Streep'southward involvement in doing the sequel with her character dead got the rest of the original bandage to do the picture show. And some of them said yes without even reading the script.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Carrie Wittmer: Could you walk me through the process of making a sequel ten years later?

Ol Parker: In that location was e'er a massive desire for a sequel. The studio couldn't accept wanted it more given how much money the original made. But immediately, there was just a struggle. Non every story needs some other affiliate. So they couldn't really find a proper version that actually made dramatic sense. And all of the cast, Meryl in item — none of them wanted to do it. They were all very proud of the first ane and what it had achieved and how it had made people experience. And and then they didn't just want to show upwardly. Meryl was never going to do that.

Lily James plays the younger version of Meryl Streep's character, Donna.
Universal Pictures

Wittmer: Interesting. How did yous get involved?

Parker: Because they were desperate and I was cheap, I think. And I suggested that Meryl's character be expressionless in information technology, and that we make the film at least in function most getting over the loss of her.

Wittmer: Did Donna being expressionless make Meryl a little more into the idea of a sequel?

Parker: We talked to her virtually it, and she was delighted. The news that Meryl was in was brilliant to the residuum of the cast and brilliant for me, obviously, because they all committed straight away. Some of them without reading the script.

Wittmer: In the movie y'all don't reveal how Meryl's character Donna died. Do you know how?

Parker: Yep. And nosotros included the cause in various different drafts. It'south just if y'all use the discussion "cancer," it kind of becomes the whole scene. I talked with Amanda [Seyfreid] and Pierce [Brosnan] almost how it had gone and how long it had taken for Donna to dice, and we all felt that the characters had fourth dimension to get used to it while it was happening. It wasn't sudden, information technology wasn't a drowning or something. So, something slow.

The entire cast, including Streep, sing a few ABBA songs together in the end credits.

Wittmer: Ane thing I love about "Here We Go Again" is the use of some of ABBA'due south less popular songs, similar "Andante, Andante" and "One of U.s.."

Parker: I basically did the motion picture to delight my mum.

Wittmer: Was it hard to option what songs to use?

Parker: I hateful, yous can't do it without "Dancing Queen," and evidently the movie is called "Mama Mia." But when I first went to Stockholm to met Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus [of ABBA], they said, "We would love for the songs to serve the plot and drive the plot." And so I just thought if I just chose the all-time vocal for the drama rather than the nearly well-known song so that would be great. "I've Been Waiting For Y'all" is very lilliputian known, but I merely thought information technology was absolutely beautiful and I had the idea of Amanda singing it while Lily gives nascence. And Bjorn rewrote the lyrics very generously to make it more than continued to what you're watching, which he too did at the end with "My Love, My Life."

The "Dancing Queen" sequence required many boats.
Universal Pictures

Wittmer: I didn't fifty-fifty notice the lyrics were rewritten. How did you contain "Fernando?"

Parker: I just wanted the song. I mean, Andy [Garcia], his character Fernando was invented so that Cher could turn to him and sing, "Fernando." He was invented in contrary for that moment. So unlike songs for unlike things. Only in full general, the idea was to endeavor and make them drive the narrative a bit more like a musical than a jukebox musical.

Wittmer: There's a lot of complicated choreography in these musical sequences. I'thousand thinking specifically of "Dancing Queen," which involves many, many boats. What was it like to moving picture that?

Parker: I was absolutely delighted, simply horrified to be offered the job 2 months after I'd handed in the script. Considering it suddenly became my problem, having merrily written, "Yeah, fourteen boats, information technology'due south gonna be great! Fabulous!" So I notice myself in a helicopter looking at xiv boats thinking, "Okay." But yeah, it was complicated. My principal style of directing is to hire really good people and so get out of the way and permit them be brilliant. I had a actually good team. They took really good care of me. And everyone was really committed and the actors were all in, as you tin can tell. And then it was a ridiculously fun shoot. Embarrassingly fun.

Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgård, and Pierce Brosnan are Sophie'southward "dads."
Universal Pictures

Carrie: It'southward amazing. I can't become Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgård spooning each other on the boat out of my head.

Parker: Colin and Stellan were slightly worried about dancing, because they're not groovy at it. We were talking the night before shooting, and they'd apposite the dances on the boat. But it only wouldn't accept looked smashing. I was like, "just hang from the rigging. Take fun. Merely have fun." And they had a ball. They were laughing all the way through information technology and it turned into an incredibly happy day for them, which is not what they were expecting. If they're having fun and so we will. That was my promise, anyway.

Read More:

12 surprising things yous probably didn't know about the 'Mamma Mia' movies

And so AND NOW: The cast of 'Mamma Mia' 12 years later


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